News ID: 359202
Publish Date: 21 July 2012 - 05:56
The Author of "Imam Khomeini, Nobility, and Modernism":

Hezbollah Victories are Based on the Culture of Commitment Preached by Imam Khomeini

Navideshahed: the deputy of Hezbollah Secretary General considered the victories of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon as something sourced from the task-oriented culture of Imam Khomeini and he said: “In the path of right, what the human is asked to do is doing the task and commission without considering the result and its advantages.”?

According to Fars News Agency, Sheikh Naeim Ghasem, the deputy of Hezbollah Secretary General has recently written a book regarding the characteristic dimensions of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran titled ‘Imam Khomeini, Nobility and Modernism’.

The Al-Manar News Agency has done an interview with him and it has discussed the reason why he wrote this book and also some issues regarding the domestic situation of Iran. The full text of the interview has been mentioned bellow:

Al-Manar: Many researchers have written texts regarding Imam Khomeini, what happened that you also decided to write a book in this field as well?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: Since long time ago I would think about this issue that how much should the characteristic of Imam Khomeini to be compiled in a completed and associated form by presenting description of votes, different beliefs which have been stated in the political, social and cultural dimensions inside Iran and foreign country. I observed that many books were written in this field and they had the professional dimensions and there are textures only in one dimension of the life of Imam Khomeini. For example some books have been published regarding the women or university or the seminary based on the political thoughts of Imam Khomeini or some other issues related to this matter, also there are so writings which have compiled the statements of him in some special fields.

I observed some books which have been written about the characteristics of Imam Khomeini and his thoughts. But they have prolonged their words and they have added some analysis to the books as well in a way that the statements of Imam Khomeini have not been fully specified among the added words and the analysis which have been mentioned as an extra part of the books. In fact these statements have been mixed with the comments and ideas of the writer and in an unilateral form they have been discussed. Or even in some other cases, some other dimensions of him have been discussed in details. But in this book, I have chosen a great deal of the subjects in a way that they reach 35 titles. In this regard, I have used all the documents which existed about Imam Khomeini. I extracted the most important data-x-items for the purpose of using them in the titles that I have used and for each title more than 5 to 10 subjects have been discussed regarding the procedure of his thoughts in the subjects.

Therefore I noticed that the idea of writing this book is something new. In this book by 35 titles related to the dimensions of Imam Khomeini’s life in these fields and or all the issues related to Imam have been mentioned in different fields. What helped me in this ground was the translation of the Light Scripture of Imam Khomeini which had compiled the speeches and words of Imam Khomeini since 1984 to the demise time. Later this book was edited and corrected and was known as the Imam Khomeini’s Light Scripture. This book helped me to have an understanding regarding 21 subjects from the different subjects of this book. In addition to this, there were many other dispersed books which caused this research to be converted into an expanded research with accurate and exact conclusions.

Iran is the only developing country which is so serious in its decisions

Al-Manar: The motto ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’ was a subject that was stated by Imam Khomeini and this motto made the world to be surprised. Today after the experience of Islamic Sovereignty in Iran, how do you evaluate this sovereignty and how much your comment has been successful to step in the field in implementation of this concept that Imam Khomeini designed it?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: The motto ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’ has two dimensions which include intellectual and practial. The intellectual dimension of this motto is related to the selection of Islam against the other thought currents including liberalism and Marxism. It meant it was on the opposite side of East and West which at that time these currents existed in them. Imam Khomeini stated this slogan in order to say that he has chosen an Islamic method and it is so far from the two tendencies of Marxism and capitalism, also the nation of Iran has chosen the implementation of Islam through this method of living. Imam Khomeini was so successful in this field, because he succeeded to change the Islamic approaches and viewpoints into laws and governance system in the contemporary era and in this path, make a referendum for this law as well. Today in the Islamic Republic of Iran we can see that this country is influenced by the slogan of Islam and these two theoretical dimensions as mottos.

Based on the practical approach, also this motto means the lack of dependency to the policies of eastern and western countries. In reality also the Islamic Republic of Iran from the time of establishing an Islamic government until now has not obeyed the policies of the Former Soviet Union and the United States of America in any fields. It means from the time that from the beginning of governing of Islamic Revolution in Iran, the United States of America has imposed some sanctions against Iran, but until now this country has been unsuccessful in its sanctions against Iran. Iran does not have the dependency policy with the Russia as well. Today Iran has following a special political policy in its occasions and path in the world, but in its options which are against the international coalitions, it has act independently; therefore we can say that the Islamic Republic of Iran has used the Koran verses and it has implemented the slogan or motto of ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’.

Today we are observing the only third world country that has stayed stable and strong in its options, maybe it can be said that the main features of this motto in the practical field is that this country has been changed into the only country that says no even to a span of occupation of the Zionist forces, but the other countries negotiate regarding the area of Israel and Palestine or regarding the procedure of concluding a peace despite of considering Israel as Zionism.

The Iranian reformists have been isolated

Al-Manar: In the Western Medias we can see that they always point out to the existence of different currents in Iran, the currents that some of them are trying to make the relations of Iran with the United States of America and West as something ordinary and some of them want to get out from the umbrella of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Guardianship, how effective do you see these agents in Iran?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: From the beginning of formation, the Islamic Republic of Iran followed the freedom of speech and writing. That is why from the beginning of Islamic Revolution in Iran, some movements were formed. Also some movements were done in this field that they opposed the originality of the revolution. Even these currents had the opportunity to express their beliefs as well; but when they used their weapons and they created the explosions and terrors to fight against the system and they struggled to design and implement some changes in that, the revolution stood against them.

After this issue, some different currents were formed in Iran and they had different outlooks towards the combination of the system. Some of them sought to follow creation of reformations in the Islamic system and some others were seeking to make some root changes. Later it was found out that some of the persons who had named themselves as reformists; they were trying to create these changes. But during the recent years, they started some struggles in order to reduce the authority of the Islamic Guardianship (Supreme leader) and to make some essential changes in the structure of the Islamic System. But still they wished to make relationships with the West in a way that they had ignored some principle and base positions and some main features that the revolution had been formed based on their pillars.

But on the opposite side, there were many currents who were committed to the system, they were not looking for any reformations in the authority of the Islamic Guardianship or the combination of the Constitutional Laws of Iran. They only wanted a better operation of Iran in the executive and municipality sectors and some other sectors like this. Since the reformist current was so limited against the fans of the system, after a failure in the presidential elections in 2009, they were taken to isolation. Of course the Western countries have attempted so much to make some unrest and chaos in Iran after that event in order to change the structure of this system. These groups benefits from the foreign supports in big scales. But the public opinion of the people of Iran supported Imam Khamenei and they rejected the stated western method. During the elections of the Islamic Parliament for Iran that was held in the current year, we observed that the public opinion of people and their huge presence which was more than 65 % of the people, it indicated that still they are committed to the Constitutional Law of Iran and all of its features, specially regarding the note of Islamic Guardianship which is not something so far away from the life of people, but also it is a section of the Constitutional Law of Iran and it has selected some authority for the supreme leader and he has some responsibilities and even the tools of electing this person, trialing and removing him has been determined in the law as well. This indicates that this viewpoint is not only stated in the field of intellectual issues and it can be implemented in the practical field as well.

It is natural that this law has some oppositions and agreements, but what is significant in this field is that the majority people of Iran agree with the Islamic Guardianship approach and no reformation can be stated in that.

The Leadership of Imam Khamenei stated the plans of Imam

Al-Manar: Imam Khomeini created some relations regarding the note of Islamic Guardianship and today Imam Khamenei emphasizes on the democracy, is this a different between the two approaches of two authorities or the second approach is a developed approach of the first approach and it is not something which is away from that?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: There are not any differences between the approaches stated by Imam Khomeini regarding the role of nation and the statement of Imam Khamenei regarding the role of democracy, maybe the difference is only regarding the correction and struggles for the purpose of making this approach as something theoretical and practical of this concept, because if we pay attention to the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini so carefully, we can see that in many parts of the revolution, he has emphasized on this note. It was the nation of Iran that elected the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its sovereignty. The same people elected the members of the Islamic Council and the Assembly of Experts and the duty of this assembly of experts is electing the leader. They also elected the councilors of the cities as well. Still I can remember that during the Iran-Iraq war, some of the authorities would suggest to Imam Khomeini to put off the elections due to the reason of dropping some missiles to the Tehran city by Iraq, but Imam Khomeini did not accept putting off in the elections even for a day. He emphasized that the nation should state its outlooks and this method existed in all the life and government of him.

The difference of religious democracy with the western democracy based on the viewpoints of Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader

Imam Khamenei also stated the plan of Imam and he considered the nation as the determiner of sovereignty of Iran and he emphasized that democracy in this country is under the ceiling of Islamic sovereignty and not something out of that. Of course the people of Iran can choose based on the criterions of lawful and unlawful but not in a certain way. This procedure causes that the corrupted and wrong persons in the intellectual, practical and economic fields do not reach governing, he emphasized that democracy should be based on the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini. If we refer to the Constitutional Law of Iran, we can notice that the explicit text of this law has mentioned the emphasis of Imam Khomeini regarding the role of nation. In fact Imam Khomeini has stressed on this issue several times. This law has been mentioned for example in the article 1 of the Constitutional Law: The Sovereignty system in Iran is the Islamic Republic of Iran that the nation voted to that with a total of 89.2 % from the total of voters during the referendum that we held in this field.

Sheikh Naeim at the continuation of his words documented to the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and he said that the Constitutional Law of Iran indicates that the system which Imam Khomeini was seeking for the nation has been under the ceiling of Islam in enacting laws and details and implementation of that and no one can take this right from the people. Even the right of electing the supreme leader and agreeing with this option is something that Imam Khomeini has pointed out to that and he stated his ideal democracy against the western democracy. Imam Khamenei has the same ideas and he has supported the democracy and he has opposed the western democracy and interpretations of the western authorities. The difference of these two approaches is related to the democracy of these two nations which they have elected their options under the ideology of Islam. But in the ideal democracy of western countries, this selection is without any standards and special ceiling. In this approach, for example it is not strange that the UK Assembly of Senates to approve the homosexuality and it supports them and this issue leads to destruction of families and creating of some misleading in the societies and it will have some damageable effects on the future of country. But in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Parliament can approve a law which is good and useful for the family and for preservation of individuals’ conditions in Islam.

The Iranians consider their country as the country of the Imam of time.

Al-Manar: Imam Khomeini named Iran as the country of the Imam of the time. Don’t you think that it is something as selfishness and self-centered and doesn’t this issue make Iran limited and doesn’t it make others go away from the procedure?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: It was the name of Iran that elected the Islamic Republic of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and it accepted the ideas, thoughts and the abovementioned commitments. They chose him, because they believe that the supreme leader is the practical successor of the Imam of the time without being official appointed by him. Each time that he would emphasize that he wanted to hand over the Iranian government and his affairs to the Imam of the time, this subject has consistency with the complementary approach of Islam, that is why the Iranians also accept this idea. If we enter the daily life of the Iranians, we can notice that during their Jihad and fighting against the Iraqis during the Imposed War Era, they did it from the bottom of their hearts and with high motivations. They granted hundreds of thousands of martyrs in this way. This morale of defense had been sourced from the Islamic Republic of Iran as the government of the Imam of time which would explain all of these efforts. When we say that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time, this issue is sourced from Iran’s commitment to the method of the Imam of the time. It is a part of the Islamic education and we believed in that. Therefore announcing this matter that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time, it is sourced from the zeal of people living in this country and the Islamic viewpoints. Iran is considered as a revolutionary line which does not belong to the western and eastern superpowers and it implements Islam independently and it is natural that this country to be a country which belongs to the Imam of the time.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah is Read for Appearance of the Imam of the time

Of course we should point out to this issue that considering Iran as the country of the Imam of the time does not cause that the other countries of the world to abandon this country. When Imam Khomeini said that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are the corps of the Imam of the time and the Iranian nation also belongs to the Imam of the time, it does not mean that the other countries of the world can not join the Imam of the time and that it does not mean the other country can not be with the Imam of the time. I would like to say that we have chosen Resistance in Lebanon in a way which is under the service of the Imam of the time. Each moment we are ready for the appearance of the Imam of the time in order to hand over the flag to him and that he can make any decisions that he offers. Ultimately, our relationship with the Islamic Guardianship is sourced from the relationship with the Imam of the time as well.

The Task-Oriented Culture is a Great Culture that was revived by Imam Khomeini

Al-Manar: In your book, you have talked about the task-oriented culture of Imam Khomeini and you have said that this religious concept can grant a special cultural feature to the political procedure, how do you assess this operation in the public life of Iranians or the experience of Hezbollah?

Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: The main feature of Imam Khomeini was that he revived some of the original and essential issues of Islam and it could be considered as a key to stabilize and present a better sample in the society. One of these concepts was the issue of task-oriented culture. Some of the humans believe in the need of materialistic and emotional victories and when such a victory does not happen, their approaches and viewpoints will be changed. It is something that we consider it as the victory of individual advantages school, but there are some other persons that their beliefs is real and even if their acts and actions does not lead to materialistic victories and direct victories, their outlooks won’t be changed. There are many differences among these two groups. The sacrifices that exist in this regard are so different from each other. If the humans to have task-oriented viewpoint, it doesn’t matter if they don’t reach their ideal results, but if you think about the advantages, when the required results do not be obtained, the belief, cultural and intellectual retreating occurs in their beings and in many cases this retreating will lead to misleading and deviation as well.

Imam Khomeini led Iran with a collection of thoughts based on the divine duty and he did not pay attention to the results. Some of the people say we would give advices to Imam Khomeini that before the victory of Islamic Revolution not to invite the people to attend the protests, because it was possible that many persons to be martyred in this way, but he said that if we don’t do any movements right now, then when can we make such a movement and to create changes? We should make a movement and then ask God to grant a victory for us.

When Imam Khomeini wanted to come to the Mehr Abad Airport from Nofel Loshato, some authorities warned on the consequences of this trip, but Imam Khomeini would not pay attention to them, he would say that his commission under this condition is that to be present among the nation of Iran. He would say: If God wants, I will arrive there and if God does not want, I will die. But in this condition, I will think that I have done my duty and what is accurate under this situation and circumstance. He had the same belief regarding the Iran-Iraq war as well. He had the same idea regarding the ambitions of Palestine and other issues. He would always review the right thing with the subject conditions and then he would do his duty.

The victory of Hezbollah is based on the task-oriented experience of Imam Khomeini

This issue is right about Hezbollah as well. Some of the authorities would say to Hezbollah that how do you want to fight against the strongest government of the region? Have you thought about all the international and political pressure of the Security Council for the freedom of your homeland? Taking the youths to the death is something unlawful, but Hezbollah would emphasize that our duty is pushing back the enemy from the occupied lands through the available ways and facilities. God has demanded in a verse of Koran that we must stand against the enemies of Islam with all the facilities and equipments. We will struggle so much in order to create concerns for the enemy, it is possible that we do not reach victory in this way too, but it is possible that our children to get the victory. We must create the way of resistance and fighting against the enemy, because this way is necessary and natural in order to reach victory; but God granted victory to us for real in 2000 and after that in 2006. In fact God granted us many great victories and no one really expected that. This issue indicates the right path is something which is asked from the humans. Doing duty without considering the results and its immediate advantages is what we do, so in this case, it should be said that the task-oriented culture is a very great culture.

The End

According to Fars News Agency, Sheikh Naeim Ghasem, the deputy of Hezbollah Secretary General has recently written a book regarding the characteristic dimensions of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran titled ‘Imam Khomeini, Nobility and Modernism’. The Al-Manar News Agency has done an interview with him and it has discussed the reason why he wrote this book and also some issues regarding the domestic situation of Iran. The full text of the interview has been mentioned bellow: Al-Manar: Many researchers have written texts regarding Imam Khomeini, what happened that you also decided to write a book in this field as well? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: Since long time ago I would think about this issue that how much should the characteristic of Imam Khomeini to be compiled in a completed and associated form by presenting description of votes, different beliefs which have been stated in the political, social and cultural dimensions inside Iran and foreign country. I observed that many books were written in this field and they had the professional dimensions and there are textures only in one dimension of the life of Imam Khomeini. For example some books have been published regarding the women or university or the seminary based on the political thoughts of Imam Khomeini or some other issues related to this matter, also there are so writings which have compiled the statements of him in some special fields. I observed some books which have been written about the characteristics of Imam Khomeini and his thoughts. But they have prolonged their words and they have added some analysis to the books as well in a way that the statements of Imam Khomeini have not been fully specified among the added words and the analysis which have been mentioned as an extra part of the books. In fact these statements have been mixed with the comments and ideas of the writer and in an unilateral form they have been discussed. Or even in some other cases, some other dimensions of him have been discussed in details. But in this book, I have chosen a great deal of the subjects in a way that they reach 35 titles. In this regard, I have used all the documents which existed about Imam Khomeini. I extracted the most important data-x-items for the purpose of using them in the titles that I have used and for each title more than 5 to 10 subjects have been discussed regarding the procedure of his thoughts in the subjects. Therefore I noticed that the idea of writing this book is something new. In this book by 35 titles related to the dimensions of Imam Khomeini’s life in these fields and or all the issues related to Imam have been mentioned in different fields. What helped me in this ground was the translation of the Light Scripture of Imam Khomeini which had compiled the speeches and words of Imam Khomeini since 1984 to the demise time. Later this book was edited and corrected and was known as the Imam Khomeini’s Light Scripture. This book helped me to have an understanding regarding 21 subjects from the different subjects of this book. In addition to this, there were many other dispersed books which caused this research to be converted into an expanded research with accurate and exact conclusions. Iran is the only developing country which is so serious in its decisions Al-Manar: The motto ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’ was a subject that was stated by Imam Khomeini and this motto made the world to be surprised. Today after the experience of Islamic Sovereignty in Iran, how do you evaluate this sovereignty and how much your comment has been successful to step in the field in implementation of this concept that Imam Khomeini designed it? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: The motto ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’ has two dimensions which include intellectual and practial. The intellectual dimension of this motto is related to the selection of Islam against the other thought currents including liberalism and Marxism. It meant it was on the opposite side of East and West which at that time these currents existed in them. Imam Khomeini stated this slogan in order to say that he has chosen an Islamic method and it is so far from the two tendencies of Marxism and capitalism, also the nation of Iran has chosen the implementation of Islam through this method of living. Imam Khomeini was so successful in this field, because he succeeded to change the Islamic approaches and viewpoints into laws and governance system in the contemporary era and in this path, make a referendum for this law as well. Today in the Islamic Republic of Iran we can see that this country is influenced by the slogan of Islam and these two theoretical dimensions as mottos. Based on the practical approach, also this motto means the lack of dependency to the policies of eastern and western countries. In reality also the Islamic Republic of Iran from the time of establishing an Islamic government until now has not obeyed the policies of the Former Soviet Union and the United States of America in any fields. It means from the time that from the beginning of governing of Islamic Revolution in Iran, the United States of America has imposed some sanctions against Iran, but until now this country has been unsuccessful in its sanctions against Iran. Iran does not have the dependency policy with the Russia as well. Today Iran has following a special political policy in its occasions and path in the world, but in its options which are against the international coalitions, it has act independently; therefore we can say that the Islamic Republic of Iran has used the Koran verses and it has implemented the slogan or motto of ‘Not Eastern, Not Western’. Today we are observing the only third world country that has stayed stable and strong in its options, maybe it can be said that the main features of this motto in the practical field is that this country has been changed into the only country that says no even to a span of occupation of the Zionist forces, but the other countries negotiate regarding the area of Israel and Palestine or regarding the procedure of concluding a peace despite of considering Israel as Zionism. The Iranian reformists have been isolated Al-Manar: In the Western Medias we can see that they always point out to the existence of different currents in Iran, the currents that some of them are trying to make the relations of Iran with the United States of America and West as something ordinary and some of them want to get out from the umbrella of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Guardianship, how effective do you see these agents in Iran? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: From the beginning of formation, the Islamic Republic of Iran followed the freedom of speech and writing. That is why from the beginning of Islamic Revolution in Iran, some movements were formed. Also some movements were done in this field that they opposed the originality of the revolution. Even these currents had the opportunity to express their beliefs as well; but when they used their weapons and they created the explosions and terrors to fight against the system and they struggled to design and implement some changes in that, the revolution stood against them. After this issue, some different currents were formed in Iran and they had different outlooks towards the combination of the system. Some of them sought to follow creation of reformations in the Islamic system and some others were seeking to make some root changes. Later it was found out that some of the persons who had named themselves as reformists; they were trying to create these changes. But during the recent years, they started some struggles in order to reduce the authority of the Islamic Guardianship (Supreme leader) and to make some essential changes in the structure of the Islamic System. But still they wished to make relationships with the West in a way that they had ignored some principle and base positions and some main features that the revolution had been formed based on their pillars. But on the opposite side, there were many currents who were committed to the system, they were not looking for any reformations in the authority of the Islamic Guardianship or the combination of the Constitutional Laws of Iran. They only wanted a better operation of Iran in the executive and municipality sectors and some other sectors like this. Since the reformist current was so limited against the fans of the system, after a failure in the presidential elections in 2009, they were taken to isolation. Of course the Western countries have attempted so much to make some unrest and chaos in Iran after that event in order to change the structure of this system. These groups benefits from the foreign supports in big scales. But the public opinion of the people of Iran supported Imam Khamenei and they rejected the stated western method. During the elections of the Islamic Parliament for Iran that was held in the current year, we observed that the public opinion of people and their huge presence which was more than 65 % of the people, it indicated that still they are committed to the Constitutional Law of Iran and all of its features, specially regarding the note of Islamic Guardianship which is not something so far away from the life of people, but also it is a section of the Constitutional Law of Iran and it has selected some authority for the supreme leader and he has some responsibilities and even the tools of electing this person, trialing and removing him has been determined in the law as well. This indicates that this viewpoint is not only stated in the field of intellectual issues and it can be implemented in the practical field as well. It is natural that this law has some oppositions and agreements, but what is significant in this field is that the majority people of Iran agree with the Islamic Guardianship approach and no reformation can be stated in that. The Leadership of Imam Khamenei stated the plans of Imam Al-Manar: Imam Khomeini created some relations regarding the note of Islamic Guardianship and today Imam Khamenei emphasizes on the democracy, is this a different between the two approaches of two authorities or the second approach is a developed approach of the first approach and it is not something which is away from that? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: There are not any differences between the approaches stated by Imam Khomeini regarding the role of nation and the statement of Imam Khamenei regarding the role of democracy, maybe the difference is only regarding the correction and struggles for the purpose of making this approach as something theoretical and practical of this concept, because if we pay attention to the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini so carefully, we can see that in many parts of the revolution, he has emphasized on this note. It was the nation of Iran that elected the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its sovereignty. The same people elected the members of the Islamic Council and the Assembly of Experts and the duty of this assembly of experts is electing the leader. They also elected the councilors of the cities as well. Still I can remember that during the Iran-Iraq war, some of the authorities would suggest to Imam Khomeini to put off the elections due to the reason of dropping some missiles to the Tehran city by Iraq, but Imam Khomeini did not accept putting off in the elections even for a day. He emphasized that the nation should state its outlooks and this method existed in all the life and government of him. The difference of religious democracy with the western democracy based on the viewpoints of Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei also stated the plan of Imam and he considered the nation as the determiner of sovereignty of Iran and he emphasized that democracy in this country is under the ceiling of Islamic sovereignty and not something out of that. Of course the people of Iran can choose based on the criterions of lawful and unlawful but not in a certain way. This procedure causes that the corrupted and wrong persons in the intellectual, practical and economic fields do not reach governing, he emphasized that democracy should be based on the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini. If we refer to the Constitutional Law of Iran, we can notice that the explicit text of this law has mentioned the emphasis of Imam Khomeini regarding the role of nation. In fact Imam Khomeini has stressed on this issue several times. This law has been mentioned for example in the article 1 of the Constitutional Law: The Sovereignty system in Iran is the Islamic Republic of Iran that the nation voted to that with a total of 89.2 % from the total of voters during the referendum that we held in this field. Sheikh Naeim at the continuation of his words documented to the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and he said that the Constitutional Law of Iran indicates that the system which Imam Khomeini was seeking for the nation has been under the ceiling of Islam in enacting laws and details and implementation of that and no one can take this right from the people. Even the right of electing the supreme leader and agreeing with this option is something that Imam Khomeini has pointed out to that and he stated his ideal democracy against the western democracy. Imam Khamenei has the same ideas and he has supported the democracy and he has opposed the western democracy and interpretations of the western authorities. The difference of these two approaches is related to the democracy of these two nations which they have elected their options under the ideology of Islam. But in the ideal democracy of western countries, this selection is without any standards and special ceiling. In this approach, for example it is not strange that the UK Assembly of Senates to approve the homosexuality and it supports them and this issue leads to destruction of families and creating of some misleading in the societies and it will have some damageable effects on the future of country. But in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Parliament can approve a law which is good and useful for the family and for preservation of individuals’ conditions in Islam. The Iranians consider their country as the country of the Imam of time. Al-Manar: Imam Khomeini named Iran as the country of the Imam of the time. Don’t you think that it is something as selfishness and self-centered and doesn’t this issue make Iran limited and doesn’t it make others go away from the procedure? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: It was the name of Iran that elected the Islamic Republic of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and it accepted the ideas, thoughts and the abovementioned commitments. They chose him, because they believe that the supreme leader is the practical successor of the Imam of the time without being official appointed by him. Each time that he would emphasize that he wanted to hand over the Iranian government and his affairs to the Imam of the time, this subject has consistency with the complementary approach of Islam, that is why the Iranians also accept this idea. If we enter the daily life of the Iranians, we can notice that during their Jihad and fighting against the Iraqis during the Imposed War Era, they did it from the bottom of their hearts and with high motivations. They granted hundreds of thousands of martyrs in this way. This morale of defense had been sourced from the Islamic Republic of Iran as the government of the Imam of time which would explain all of these efforts. When we say that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time, this issue is sourced from Iran’s commitment to the method of the Imam of the time. It is a part of the Islamic education and we believed in that. Therefore announcing this matter that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time, it is sourced from the zeal of people living in this country and the Islamic viewpoints. Iran is considered as a revolutionary line which does not belong to the western and eastern superpowers and it implements Islam independently and it is natural that this country to be a country which belongs to the Imam of the time. Lebanon’s Hezbollah is Read for Appearance of the Imam of the time Of course we should point out to this issue that considering Iran as the country of the Imam of the time does not cause that the other countries of the world to abandon this country. When Imam Khomeini said that Iran is the country of the Imam of the time and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are the corps of the Imam of the time and the Iranian nation also belongs to the Imam of the time, it does not mean that the other countries of the world can not join the Imam of the time and that it does not mean the other country can not be with the Imam of the time. I would like to say that we have chosen Resistance in Lebanon in a way which is under the service of the Imam of the time. Each moment we are ready for the appearance of the Imam of the time in order to hand over the flag to him and that he can make any decisions that he offers. Ultimately, our relationship with the Islamic Guardianship is sourced from the relationship with the Imam of the time as well. The Task-Oriented Culture is a Great Culture that was revived by Imam Khomeini Al-Manar: In your book, you have talked about the task-oriented culture of Imam Khomeini and you have said that this religious concept can grant a special cultural feature to the political procedure, how do you assess this operation in the public life of Iranians or the experience of Hezbollah? Sheikh Naeim Ghasem: The main feature of Imam Khomeini was that he revived some of the original and essential issues of Islam and it could be considered as a key to stabilize and present a better sample in the society. One of these concepts was the issue of task-oriented culture. Some of the humans believe in the need of materialistic and emotional victories and when such a victory does not happen, their approaches and viewpoints will be changed. It is something that we consider it as the victory of individual advantages school, but there are some other persons that their beliefs is real and even if their acts and actions does not lead to materialistic victories and direct victories, their outlooks won’t be changed. There are many differences among these two groups. The sacrifices that exist in this regard are so different from each other. If the humans to have task-oriented viewpoint, it doesn’t matter if they don’t reach their ideal results, but if you think about the advantages, when the required results do not be obtained, the belief, cultural and intellectual retreating occurs in their beings and in many cases this retreating will lead to misleading and deviation as well. Imam Khomeini led Iran with a collection of thoughts based on the divine duty and he did not pay attention to the results. Some of the people say we would give advices to Imam Khomeini that before the victory of Islamic Revolution not to invite the people to attend the protests, because it was possible that many persons to be martyred in this way, but he said that if we don’t do any movements right now, then when can we make such a movement and to create changes? We should make a movement and then ask God to grant a victory for us. When Imam Khomeini wanted to come to the Mehr Abad Airport from Nofel Loshato, some authorities warned on the consequences of this trip, but Imam Khomeini would not pay attention to them, he would say that his commission under this condition is that to be present among the nation of Iran. He would say: If God wants, I will arrive there and if God does not want, I will die. But in this condition, I will think that I have done my duty and what is accurate under this situation and circumstance. He had the same belief regarding the Iran-Iraq war as well. He had the same idea regarding the ambitions of Palestine and other issues. He would always review the right thing with the subject conditions and then he would do his duty. The victory of Hezbollah is based on the task-oriented experience of Imam Khomeini This issue is right about Hezbollah as well. Some of the authorities would say to Hezbollah that how do you want to fight against the strongest government of the region? Have you thought about all the international and political pressure of the Security Council for the freedom of your homeland? Taking the youths to the death is something unlawful, but Hezbollah would emphasize that our duty is pushing back the enemy from the occupied lands through the available ways and facilities. God has demanded in a verse of Koran that we must stand against the enemies of Islam with all the facilities and equipments. We will struggle so much in order to create concerns for the enemy, it is possible that we do not reach victory in this way too, but it is possible that our children to get the victory. We must create the way of resistance and fighting against the enemy, because this way is necessary and natural in order to reach victory; but God granted victory to us for real in 2000 and after that in 2006. In fact God granted us many great victories and no one really expected that. This issue indicates the right path is something which is asked from the humans. Doing duty without considering the results and its immediate advantages is what we do, so in this case, it should be said that the task-oriented culture is a very great culture. The End
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